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Winter in the Brume Region
Sade 6 followers
 1.11K •  4 Years Ago
 1,114 •  Jan 25, 2021

My character Amber (the redhead falling down the slope) in a winter piece for a pokemon ARPG I am in! The pokemon in this world can be any coloration and design as long as they retain the distinct shape of their species! Some pokemon even have additional effects to them on top of being shiny (like that beautiful Houndour that is on fire) based on events!



 Pokemon (14)  Arpg (9)  Brume (1)  Solosis (1)  Rookidee (1)  Amber the pokemon Trainer (1)  Rockruff (2)  Houndour (2)  Houndoom (1)  Winder (1)  Alolan Vulpix (1)  Sledding (1)  original character(s) (1) 


 2500x1875  2.36 MB


Must Include Link and Artist Name

 2021 - 2025 | Sade  

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